
The Amazing Spider-Man Video Game Costumes

The Amazing Spider-Man video game arrives in stores in June including a ton of unlockable Spider-Man costumes that can be acquired by exploring the open-world Manhattan. Here are some of the suits the developer has included in the game:

The Negative Zone Spiderman Suit: Spider-Man’s costume turned into this silver-and-black version when he entered the Negative Zone. It allowed him to merge with shadows and become practically invisible in the comics, but don't expect those extra abilities here.

The Black Spiderman Suit from Spider-Man 3: In the third Spider-Man film from director Sam Raimi, the black symbiote attached itself to Peter's costume, giving it this sleek black look. Though most fans would like to erase the film from their memory, the black symbiote suit can be used once it is unlocked.

The Big Time Suit: Dan Slott and Humbertos Ramos introduced this neon-green costume for the webslinger during their massive overarching arc, "Big Time".

The Belt-less Spider Man Morph Suit: In Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man movie, Peter Parker dons a Spider-Man costume without a belt, giving him a long and slender appearance. As the game takes place after the events of the film, Beenox gave the webslinger a belt to keep with the realistic theme. Where else would he store his new gadgets? The inclusion of this costume skin allows players to drop the belt.

The Party Hat... Suit: Yea, don't ask.

The Vigilante Suit: Before he dons the Spider-Man costume in the film, Peter Parker wanders Manhattan in this "vigilante" outfit. This specific skin is exclusive to PS3.

The Scarlet Spider man Suit (Kaine): When Peter's clone, Kaine, returns after the "Grim Hunt" storyline in the comics, he dons the identity of the Scarlet Spider and wears this awesome red and black costume. It can be seen in the pages of Chris Yost's Scarlet Spider.

The Spider-Morphosis: In The Amazing Spider-Man #437, Spider-Man attempts to rescue the mutant Synch from Plantman, only to be sprayed in the face by mutagenic flowers. Spider-Man's body was transformed into a humanoid spider, his costume shredded, his hands changed into claws, his face into a spider-like visage, with eight tiny eyes and large fangs and other "gross and humiliating changes".

The Future Foundation Suit (Inverted): In the comics, Spider-Man joins Reed Richards’ Future Foundation after Johnny Storm's apparent death. The team change their costumes from the blue to a new sleek black and white look as the FF. During stealth missions, they went with an inverted version of their costumes, this being Spider-Man's.

