
The New Spider-Man

First Appearance: Sensational Spider-Man Vol. 1 #0 (1995)

Once the Clone Saga entered that infamous phase where Ben Reilly replaced Peter Parker for a time, Reilly was due for a wardrobe upgrade. The Scarlet Spider suit and its ragged hoodie were swapped out for something a little more reminiscent of Peter's costume. Aside from the external web shooters and the larger spider emblem, the biggest change came to the balance of red and blue areas. The torso was now completely covered in red, while the boots and gloves became stylistically fragmented.

This costume died with Reilly himself, but it's worth noting that it seems to have at least partially inspired the look of Andrew Garfield's costume in the new Amazing Spider-Man movie.

The Verdict: This suit made some interesting changes to the formula, but ultimately they seemed like changes for change's sake.

